The development of a senior staff, the future director consists of two important parts. First, it is personal socialization (level of education, personal qualities), secondly, the preparedness is professional, in other words, his professional competences, which he applies at its work - knowledge, skills and other professional and guidelines, as well as experience. Bologna Initiative - the ability to overcome contradictions that arise between the national system of training of managers (in each country there are features of this process) and a European trend, because managers prepared correctly can find work in any country in the world.

Now there is a tendency of the emergence of the All-Effective Employment Market, which affects educational proposals, on the constant certification of young professionals. Progressive institutions specialize in the preparation of managers who will be able to find work abroad, as they prepare them in accordance with pan-European requirements.

Accounting for the current situation of national and pan-European labor markets allowed us to group the basic requirements for the professional training of current managers in two discharges - personal skills (principled, curiosity, collens) and professional. Masters and professional awareness - knowledge in the specialty, acquaintance with markets, management skills. The individual component is valued (your character, the ability to fruitfully communicate), in other words, socialization.

The most significant is to give the correct definition of the concept of socialization, because the disruptive wording of this concept makes it difficult to study and allow a variety of extremes in the interpretation. If one lies in the interpretation of socialization as a process of awareness of itself by an individual, as the egocent state self-affirmation, then the second - in the analysis of socialization as a process, rigidly deterministic social conditions, which completely depends on the person in society.

True, as long as the requirements for students of our employers are fundamentally different from the requirements of foreign colleagues. Officers from science think that the spectrum of finding these requirements in the light of the provisions of the Bologna Declaration should be expanded. It is worth avoiding extremes, orient to Europe - is not true, it is important to form your own Russian school of training managers. Requirements suitable for both Russian and foreign circumstances can be listed. This is an entrepreneurial lifestyle (willingness to sacrifice personal time), the ability to take responsibility not only for yourself, but also for others (the manager is responsible for the employment of his subordinates), constant readiness for self-development. There are many sites on the Internet, but provides inexperienced players with the most detailed casino FAQ