So, the first thing we do if we need everyday makeup for gray-blue eyes is to apply a tonal foundation on the eyelids of a light milky color. In this case, use a tonal basis. Cover the eyelid with a sufficiently dense layer, evenly distributing the tonal base over the entire surface.Applying shadows After creating a tonal base in the makeup of gray-blue eyes, we proceed to applying shadows. In this case, use light brown shadows with a slight golden effect.When selecting shadows, it is not recommended to use colors that match the color of your eyes. Otherwise, there is a real prospect of depersonalizing the eye without giving it the necessary expressiveness. Make-up artists of the canonical style recommend this option. Although there are certainly worthy exceptions. The choice is always yours.Apply the shadows on the eyelid with the appropriate brush - evenly distribute them over the entire surface of the eyelids. After this procedure, we take a beveled brush and a shade (preferably mineral ears: dark brown with a "glow" effect) and apply it in the form of a line as close as possible to the eyelashes over the entire surface of the upper eyelid, without protruding beyond it.Later, this shade will turn into a shading. Next, we take a brush (barrel) using the same color and apply it to the subcutaneous fold until the middle of the century, connecting it with a straight line with the outer corner of the upper eyelid and slightly shaded, preserving the contours. With the same brush, we take the blackest - matte shade of shadows (for color intensity) and apply it to the outer corner of the upper eyelid, slightly shading.Having done all this, we take a shading brush and begin to shade a little up coming out of the contours indicated by us (later the remaining shadows are removed with a napkin). Next, on the same brush, we take light brown shadows (which were used above) and apply over the black shadows intensively shading, in this case the transition between colors turns out to be smoother and more natural.To create a clearer and softer transition, you can add a little more dark shade to the subcutaneous fold of the upper eyelid and blend. To draw the lower eyelid in makeup for blue and gray eyes, we use a beveled brush and light brown shadows that we applied to the upper eyelid.Lashspaint the periarticular space along the line of eyelash growth without bringing the line to the lacrimal canal. Next, we take a black pencil and intensively paint the bases of the lower and upper eyelashes in the direction of growth.After that, we take a green-brown pencil and shade the circumflex space of the eye. After completing this procedure, we shade everything slightly, creating the "illusion of a whole image".In makeup for gray-blue eyes, it is advisable to apply a light shade of shadows to the entire underbrowth and blend. At the last stage, we take black mascara and paint over the eyelashes.