As you know, if a person's facial skin looks fresh and elastic, then this is one of the most obvious indicators of excellent health.If the body suffers from a disease, then first of all this is reflected in the appearance.To make your face look like a healthy person, it is not necessary to use a lot of cosmetics, you just need to keep the skin moist and cleanse it properly.
Only small children have perfect skin in all respects due to the water content in skin cells of about 90%.Unfortunately, the elasticity and velvety of the skin changes for the worse over time.But in order to maintain skin tone, several rules should be followed daily.
1) Facial cleansing
Every day, before going to bed, you should cleanse the epidermis of the face.A similar procedure is carried out by girls and women of any age and with any type of skin.Also, the type of cosmetics used for the whole day does not play a special role.Only the features of the facial skin matter when buying cleansers.
The easiest cleansing method is to wash your face with water and regular soap, containing coconut oil, soybean oil, or palm oil.You should also not use antibacterial soap too often, because among the microorganisms that are on the skin, there are also beneficial for the body.At the end of this, you need to rinse your face with water in which sea salt or lemon juice is diluted, which has a good effect on the epidermis of the skin.
2) Washing your face
If you wash your face with milk, it will look much fresher.This treatment relieves dryness and improves skin tone.The effect is most pronounced in girls who have dry and sensitive skin.
At the beginning, the skin is cleaned with a cotton pad, which is moistened in milk (it is heated before that).After that, the face is dried with napkins and a cream is applied.
If the epidermis becomes inflamed, then you need to use a heated chamomile tincture.
And how can you safely remove cosmetics from the skin?
Using warmed oils (sunflower, olive or linseed), you can cleanse your face.It starts from the forehead, then the skin of the face is wiped from the nose to the temples.Finally, start rubbing the area around the lips and eyebrows.
Well, to summarize, if you want your face to shine, you can wipe your face in the morning with ice cubes with chamomile decoction. Discover More Here