Tips for not getting nervous during exams

Think of anxiety before an exam as a normal reaction of the body

Pre-exam jitters are a way of activating your internal resources. When you're anxious, your brain is trying to help you. Try just saying to yourself, "Okay, my palms are sweating, I'm feeling nauseous, it looks like I'm facing anxiety." Awareness and talking through the situation is the first step to overcoming anxiety before an exam.

It is good if you know self-regulation techniques, such as meditation or breathing exercises. Only it is necessary to start practicing in advance - it makes no sense to study these techniques the night before the exams.

Rehearse in your head the entire exam procedure.

Hysterics, which occur in students during metal detector searches or at other stages of the exam, are usually the result of accumulated during the preparation stress. The exam itself is simply a catalyst for a surge of stress. Nevertheless, the unknown is frightening.

To minimize the excitement before the upcoming event, study in detail how the state exams are administered. What time does it start? How is the exam room set up? How does the inspection take place? What can and cannot be taken with you? How do I go to the toilet? How do I fill in the forms? Find answers to all the questions that cause you anxiety, so that you do not unnecessarily get nervous before the exam.

Then replay the whole procedure in your imagination, for example, together with your parents. This will allow you to feel more confident and cope with anxiety during the real exam.

Get some sleep and relax the night before

It's important to realize that the bulk of the work has already been done in the previous 11 years of study.

If you can repeat the material in a leisurely relaxed mode, great. If not, it's better to organize some light physical activity. For example, go for a walk, which will help you calm down before the exam.

Start a regimen well before the exam to make it easier to fall asleep before it
Insomnia before important events is quite normal. Many adults can't sleep in advance of a significant trip or meeting.

But a pre-formed routine, as well as light physical fatigue and fresh air will help to quickly find yourself in the realm of Morpheus. And one more thing: try not to overeat at dinner and no gadgets in bed.

Do not fill up on sedatives, better have a chocolate bar.

Drink valerian in the morning before the exam is meaningless, as well as other sedatives it has a cumulative effect and is unlikely to work. Only if as a placebo, when you are convinced that it will help you to focus and cope with the excitement of the exam.

Chocolate, on the other hand, does stimulate brain function. But it is better to eat it at home, after a heavy breakfast. The Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science does not forbid eleventh-graders to take water and chocolate to the exam, but at the entrance they will definitely be checked for cribs, and this is an extra reason to get nervous.

Instructions for parents about excitement on the exam

Try to stay calm throughout the preparation period and on the day of the exam. Your child's state of mind is greatly influenced by the family's attitude toward the upcoming test. Don't scare, don't hyperbolize the importance of exams and the "catastrophic" nature of failure - don't increase general anxiety.

Make it clear that the results of the exam will not affect family relationships in any way. When a child knows that mom and dad won't love him for anything, he can feel more confident and relaxed and show his best.

Convey a calm attitude toward searches, cameras, and anything that makes a child nervous. Show attention to his anxieties and explain why it's all necessary.

Help your child establish a proper routine and distribute his or her study load as he or she prepares for exams. Motivate him by saying that looming finals are waiting for him soon.