COVID-19 can be struggling in different ways. One of the most interesting is the use of bacteria that can suppress the spread of coronavirus.

A group of scientists from the medical college of Arizona in Tucson found that the so-called bacterial Lisate OM-85 blocks the speed of propagation of SARS-COV-2 in the body. This is due to the fact that it reduces the ability of coronavirus to bind to the ACE2 cell receptor. This can lead to the development of new therapy to combat COVID-19.

[h2] What is bacterial lysat? [/ h2]
Bacterial lysates are prescription preparations used to prevent respiratory diseases. They are known as oral vaccines, because they contain killed bacteria (or their fragments) that cannot infect host cells. Bacterial lysates typically contain several different bacteria strains. The same applies to OM-85, combinations of molecules extracted from the cell walls of bacteria.

- The current strategies for the prevention of infections are based on vaccines that stimulate our immune system to the reaction primarily by developing antibodies. Antibodies are attached to a certain part of the virus, acting as the key and preventing it to the ACE2 receptor, which is similar to the lock on the lung cage. "This study is unique, because we first tracked the receptor - the castle - with the help of a bacterial extract and showed that it protects against a viral infection," said prof. Donate Vercelli from the medical college of the University of Arizona, Tucson.

Team prof. Vercelli decided to check whether Lizat OM-85 was used to treat asthma, affected the ACE2 receptor, thereby preventing SARS-COV-2 attachment to host cells. So it turned out, since ACE2 is a key element of SARS-COV-2 infection. Without the initial connection, the entire process of virus replication is blocked. With the help of OM-85, you can literally "close the door" before coronavirus. Interestingly, it is suitable for all SARS-COV-2 options that use the ACE2 receptor for penetration into the body.

"Our congenital immune system has developed under the pressure of the environment, for example, bacteria, but our current lifestyle often does not give us the opportunity to develop this defensive immunity. Our idea is to use bacterial lysate to teach the immune system to protect us from viruses, just like those who regularly contact with domestic livestock are protected from many bacteria and other microbes, "concluded prof. Vercelli. orbex space